Saturday, November 25, 2023

SLetiquette: My SecondLife Settings: Followers

 On the site, the privacy setting "Post on your feed" (Controls who can post on your profile feed) has 3 options: Second Life, Friends, Nobody. If you select one of the latter two, people who follow your feed and those just browsing the site cannot comment OR love your posts/photos on your feed. 

This is an often-misunderstood setting. People who have followers on their feed change that post setting to friends or nobody because they don't want random people posting comments on their content, and then wonder why they are receiving fewer reactions (love) to their photos/posts from friends and followers.  

Loving (reacting to) a photo IS posting on your feed. It adds their "love" to your photo or post data, so it is indeed posting on your feed, the same as posting a comment. 

Followers are not the same as friends. Friends are people you have friended in Second Life and are on your friend-list. Followers are simply people who follow your posts and photos on the "My Secondlife Life" website. 

If you do not want followers on your feed, you can change the setting "Follow info" to just friends or nobody. You can also change the feed so that only friends or nobody (just you) can see your photos/posts. 

Markham Weatherwax