Monday, January 3, 2022

Magic Fishing Basics - The 101

NOTE: I NO LONGER UPDATE THIS INFORMATION AS CHANGES OCCUR WITH THE MAGIC FISHING GAME, however most of it remains accurate for basic fishing. There are a few more fishing rods now, and worm farming, as well as some other changes. However, for simply fishing - this covers the basics. 

Magic Fishing in Second Life

Magic Fishing is a fishing game in Second Life where you can earn Linden Dollars ($L) by fishing at Magic Fishing buoys and locations. The amount you can earn depends on how much you fish. You can also make friends or just be social from time to time with others or ignore everyone and fish alone.

The basics of Magic Fishing are simple: Get a rod, find a Magic Fishing Buoy, and... fish.

Quick information and links
[TheSecondFarm website is where you go for help and information on Magic Fishing, Magic Crystals, etc. Your account for the game can be accessed there and the ticket system in case you need to help on an issue or problem.

The two things you need from the Second Life MarketPlace:

The Free Magic Fishing Starter Rod: [Starter Rod]

The Free Magic Fishing Money Hud: [Money Hud]

The Fishing Rods:
You can get a free Deluxe Rod and HUD and start fishing immediately at any Magic Fishing Buoy. You can obtain these on the SL Marketplace or at most Magic Fishing Locations and at the Headquarters.

Or you can buy a Fantasy Rod for around $L3,290. The free one will work fine but you get more weekly contest points and 4x chances at winning treasure chests and Lucky Stars with the fantasy rods. It depends on how seriously you take the game and if you will be trying to get into the weekly top 10 contests. I recommend starting off with the free Deluxe Rod and deciding later if you want to invest in the Fantasy Rod.

* Most players will not need the Fantasy Rod because the weekly contest pretty much requires that you to fish all day every single day of the week to get in or even close to the top 10 spots. All you win is $L350 for #1 and less for lower positions and that's not worth it to most folks for the hours and expense involved. *

The Fantasy Rod(s) claim the following as Features in the fishing notices (displayed after each cast you make with any rod):
Loading only 30 sec. (Loading means time to initially load, not cast time)
4x weekly points
4x Treasure Chest probability
Resizer hud

I purchased one for myself and I like it. It looks better than the basic rod, can be resized, and to me that was worth $L3,290. *grin* Really, though, I bought it so that I could fully research the game for this article and some others I wrote and am planning to write.

Casting Information in Chat (Catches/Experience)
After you cast and the countdown for your bait ends, information about your current earnings is shown in the local chat window. Here is a example of what you will see. Ignore the misspelling(s) here and on the main website and in the game itself. English is not the first language of the people who created Magic Fishing.

You've Caught: Combfish
Your Earnings: L$5.00 (+0.30) (+0.0088 Rank Bonus)
Fishing Experience: 1000 (+1)
Rank: 1301

You need 149 more Fishing XP to Beat (Other Resident Name).

Currently Worms:
Mini Worms: 10 (Only for Green Buoys)
Sticky Worms: 5
Big Worms: 0
Candy Worms: 0

Event X1

Weekly Points: 20 (+4)
Weekly Contest Rank: 78

And then there will be random tips or information about rods or buoys.

It is self-explanatory for the most part. It shows your accumulated earnings that you have not cashed out yet. Next to that is how much the fish you just caught (Combfish) was worth. In this case, 0.30 Lindens, or thirty Linden Cents.

The rank bonus is extra partial linden penny that accumulates as you fish and pays you extra lindens based on what RANK you are. The higher your ranking, the higher that bonus amount will be. This also depends on what you catch (the value of). Once that bonus reaches an entire Linden penny ($L0.01) it adds that to your catch amount. The amount of rank bonus also changes depending on your catch. In the above catch you got an extra +0.0088 of a Linden Dollar for catching that one fish.

Fishing Experience is how many fishing experience points you have and that number is what puts you at the rank you are currently at. It then tells you how many more fishing experience points you need to beat the next person down the rank chain.

Currently Worms tells you how many of each type of worm you have in your rod/account.

EVENT 1X tells you that it is a 1X event, as most buoys are. Each cast pays out just the price of the fish you caught. If it shows 2X then it means that every catch you make pays twice the amount for each fish. In the above example the 0.30 would be 0.60 at a 2X event. At a 3X you would have caught that Combfish for 0.90.

The Weekly points show how many points you have for this week (Mon-Sun) in the weekly contest. The (+4) is how many points you just earned by catching that Combfish. That number depends on what worms you used, what rod, and if you are fishing at a blue or green buoy. The last is your rank in the weekly contest.

The Worms (Bait):
Mini-worms (Can only be used on Green Buoys)
Sticky-Worms (Can only be used on Blue Buoys)
Big Worms
Candy Worms

You do not need worms (bait) to fish, however fishing without worms takes 500+ seconds each time you make a cast. Fishing with worms takes much less time, that time depending on which type of worms you use. The less expensive worms take more time per cast and the big and candy worms usually less time. When fishing with worms you can also randomly win more of the same type of bait (worms) that you are fishing with. These are added to your worm count (on your rod) automatically. So, Fishing without worms takes longer and does not add points to your weekly contest count, and gives you no free worms.

The Mini Worms and Sticky Worms are the essentially the same, except that you can use them only on specifically colored buoys. Mini-Worm casting times are 60-75 seconds each cast on Green Buoys. Sticky worms, take about the same on Blue Buoys. Big Worms times are 40-60 seconds on Green, 35-55 on Blue. Candy Worms, 30-50 seconds on Green and 25-35 seconds on Blue.

These days fishing with worms also give the benefit of giving you added points for the weekly contests. Candy Worms give you 4x, Big Worms give you 2x, and Mini/Sticky I don't believe give you any. So, if you are fishing with a fantasy rod you will get the 4x for using the rod plus 4x for using candy worms and so on. So, with a fantasy rod and candy worms you will get 8x on Blue Buoys every cast for the weekly game.

Sometimes, at varying times, usually beginning on Saturday and running through Sunday (sometimes longer), you magically begin to earn more weekly points and 1+ more experience points every single cast. Then on Monday it goes back to normal. Again, magically. *smiles* These are events started by some of the Magic Fishing Staff and there are no set times for this or guarantees that they will do this.

You can usually buy worms at any fishing area. When you buy worms at the fishing barrels at a location a small percentage of the price you paid for the worms goes directly into the buoy budget at the location. The owner of the fishing area does not get paid directly for worm purchases, that percentage gets added to the active buoy budget. This helps support that fishing area and keeps it going. If you never buy bait at locations and only at the Magic Fishing HQ it doesn't help other fishing areas. The price of the bait is the same no matter where you buy it, at the HQ or at locations, but buying bait at those fishing locations helps the owners of those buoys fund them and helps keep them active longer.

However, please never buy bait at an inactive/out-of-funds buoy. This does not turn the buoy back on (make it active) and it does not add funds to that buoys budget or benefit the landowner in any way. The entire amount you spend on worms at an inactive buoy goes directly to Magic Fishing. You can buy them if you want, you still get your worms, but the owner of that buoy doesn't benefit. FYI.

The Fishing Buoys:
These are Blue and Green and have slightly different capabilities. Maximum player (that means you) casts currently is 25 per day. At Green Buoys you get +1 weekly contest point per cast with any type of worms (bait). At the Blue Buoys you get +1 for sticky, +2 for big, and +4 for candy. If you are fishing with a Fantasy Rod it gives you 4x weekly points minimum no matter what you fish with. After you have fished your 25 casts the buoy will tell you how long you have to wait until you can return to fish that buoy (fishing area) again.

If the buoy is group-only (meaning you have to join a group to fish that buoy) you can earn 30% more per cast. (This rule no longer applies)

Each Buoy is a "fishing area" and can be fished up to 25 casts per day (currently). The fishing day starts at 12:00AM PDT (Second Life time) and ends at 12:00AM PDT the next morning, which starts it off again. If there are multiple funded buoys at a location then each buoy can be fished as a different fishing area.


By default every buoy is a 1X Event. Green Buoys are always 1X Events. Blue Buoys have the capability of having 2X, 3x, etc., events (turned on by the owner of the buoy). This means that every fish you catch is worth 2 times what it is worth at a 1X Event, or 3 times, or 10 times. If you catch a fish at a 1X that earns you 0.30 (Linden Cents), if you catch the same type of fish at a 2X it would earn you 0.60, or 0.90 at 3x. And so on.

Potions and Crystals:

The Potion of the Questions (Use within 10 minutes)
You rez it or wear it, click on it, and it asks you a question (you now have 10 minutes after you obtain it to use it). If you answer correctly you get +10 weekly contest points added. If you get it wrong, you lose -20 points.

The answers to the Potion of the Questions:

Colors in Portuguese flag: 6
In which Portuguese city is Belém Tower: Lisbon
How many islands does the Azores archipelago have: 9
How is called the hymn Portuguese: A Portuguesa
J.K. Rowling was inspired to write Harry Potter in: Porto
Largest City in Portugal: Lisbon
Pena Palace is located in: Sintra
Portugal is located on the Continent: Europe
River that Bathes Lisbon: Tejo
The Capital of Portugal is in: Lisbon
The Second Largest City in Portugal: Porto
The Official language of Portugal is: Portuguese
What Country borders Portugal: Spain
What is the name of the capital of Porto Santo: Vila Baleira
What kind of climate does Portugal Have: Maritime
What kind of terrain does Northern Portugal have: Mountainous
Where does Madonna live: Lisbon
Where was born Cristiano Ronaldo: Madeira

Magic Fishing Secret Potion
You rez it or wear it, click on it, and it gives you more fishing experience points or takes them away depending on your luck. Currently it is 15 points with good luck and -10 if your luck is bad. If you wear a Magic Crystal of Luck and click it to activate it before you click on the potion you will not lose points if your luck is bad.

Magic Fishing XP Potion
You rez it or wear it, click on it, and it gives you more fishing experience points or drops (+5). One additional point per cast, so if you are getting 1xp per cast, you will get 2xp for the next five casts. It does not double the XP you are getting, it only adds 1 additional XP to each cast. I mention this because TSF sometimes has special 2XP days when ever cast will give you 2XP instead of only 1XP. An XP Potion will give you 1 additional XP, so when you cast you'd get 3xp instead of the 2xp.

Magical Crystal of Luck
As mentioned before, it saves you from losing points with the Secret Potion if you are wearing it and enable it. It does nothing else. Some people in the Magic Fishing community tell people it increases your luck while you are fishing. It does not. It is a thing they tell new players to mess with them.

Magic Lucky Stars (Use within 10 Minutes)
Wear this and click on it (You now have to use it within 10 minutes or it will not give you money or points). It will give you some $L (credited to your Magic Fishing Account) then it will shine and give you 100 extra weekly points and sometimes random extra experience points. Wait for it to complete "talking" to you and then you can delete it.

These are rare. It is usually $L10 for all players except those in the overall top 10. They can win $L100+ Lucky Stars.

Treasure Chests
You don't buy these or find these on the ground or in the water somewhere, you win them when you fish and it automatically gives you $L to your Magic Fishing Account. You will only see the notices of them in your chat window and hear the buoy go off. It tells you how much you won. If you don't pay attention to the chat window while fishing you will not know that you got one but you will see your $L amount go up.

The amounts you can win are $L20-$L80. Again, like Lucky Stars, these are few are far between for most players, even those with Fantasy Rods.

Free Surprise Every Day Signs

If you cash out $L50 in a day at the ATM (in total, as long as the sum of your withdrawals add up to $L50) there are Daily Free Surprise Signs that you can use that will give you extra worms, potions, and Crystals of Luck (which only seem to be being given out by the signs right now, not while you are fishing as used to be the case).

You have to have the active group for each sign enabled AND have a PICK for each area that the signs are in. You create a pick by creating/saving a Landmark to that place and selecting Make Pick. You change your group by selecting group and activate.

Currently there are 4 Daily Surprise signs.

1st one is at the Magic Fishing Headquarters in Kuredhu.
Group: Magic Fishing / Pick: Magic Fishing HQ

2nd one is at the center of the TSF Shopping Mall in Kuredhu
Group: The Second Farm / Pick: TSF Mall

3rd one is at the Magic Ads Headquarters in Kuredhu
Group: Magic Ads / Pick: Magic Ads HQ

4th one is at the Magic Ads 2 HQ in Kuredhu.
Group: Magic Crystals / Pick: Magic Ads 2

Additional Information
While you are fishing you will get a pop up verification box where you have to enter a sum to a math question when you are casting. You have to get the sum right in order to make the cast. This is annoying, but it doesn't happen each time you cast. Sometimes it pops up several times in a row and then not again for long while. It is there to make sure people are not using auto-casters or bots. It is something you just have to live with if you want to play the Magic Fishing Game.

After you've fished for a bit and have earned some Linden Dollars ($L) in the game you can cash out at the main HQ ATM terminal. You can cash out multiple times a day.

Each prize/potion has a different sound effect. You can hear which one is being given out so you don't always have to check the chat window every time. The buoys glow too, so that helps. Different people play the game different ways and have different methods. I always check the chat window. Some people don't have to. :)

PIRATES didn't want you to find all their gold, matey. Aaaargghhhhhh!!! You need wait xxxx seconds. --- is a message you might get when you try to cast. This usually happens if you have interrupted the fishing rod countdown - meaning, you cast out, the timer started, and you TPed out, left the parcel of land you were on, or detached your rod, before the cast countdown timer ended.

Rule of thumb, never interrupt a cast before the rod countdown ends. It will give you the pirate message. And if you continue to try to cast multiple times before the pirate wait time is over, it will add MORE time to your wait time. If it says wait 1900 seconds, you have to wait 31 minutes before you can fish again. If you try to cast again it will jump up by hundreds or thousands of additional seconds, so, don't try to fish for at least 32 minutes, just to be safe.

Some people cast and then realize they have run out of worms and are fishing now with no worms and long wait time. They quickly purchase worms, detach their rod, attach it back and then cast, and almost always get the Pirate message. Don't do that. Wait the long countdown and then cast with your newly purchased worms.

So, those are the basics of the Magic Fishing Game in Second Life. You can fish to earn Linden Dollars or fish for the weekly contest and ranking, but probably not both at the same time. Take your time and decide which you will do. If you do want to get into the weekly contests and ranking start first thing on Monday morning SLT and fish for the entire week. If you start any later, you will not be able to get close to the top 10 spots.

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