Saturday, January 1, 2022

The New Blog

Hello and Welcome!

    I decided to make a fresh start for 2022 by changing my blog platform from LiveJournal over to this new one here on Blogspot. I will not be moving my old entries from LJ over to here, I will begin anew. Most of my prior blog entries are no longer relevant and many are outdated. So, a fresh start, as I said.

    The basics about me: I write about Second Life® and my experiences within that Virtual World. From exploring to building, from scripting to buying, from problems to solutions, and things to do, I will cover it all here. I am a fan of Second Life® and have been living in it since near the beginning.

    I am also a fan of the real world - referred to by many SLers as First Life - but that first life will not be much a part of this Blog. Here I will talk only about my life in SL because Markham Weatherwax is a resident of that world. However, since my SL wife is also the love of my real life, I will mention it from time to time. 

I hope that you will enjoy it and will make this blog one of your favorites to read. 

Best regards,

Markham Weatherwax

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