Monday, June 5, 2023

Premium Plus? Not for me, yet.

I have been a premium member for most of my Second Life. I paid in mostly to support SL. Some benefits I do enjoy and use. But I did not upgrade to premium plus because I learned the hard lessons over the many years to wait and see.

Promises, promises, promises.

Coming soon...

We are planning...

We have an idea...

We are working on...

If all I want was a 2048 Linden Home, I will wait until they are readily available. I will wait until they have them ready, finished, and the rush is over. Sure, I could buy mainland if I wanted to, but I don't want to. I will not pay more while I am waiting in my 1024m parcel home for a 2048 parcel that will be available... eventually. 

Exclusive gifts: They are rare and no longer seasonal. 

Premium Areas: Eh! You mean the sandboxes? There used to be feature-rich premium areas. No more.

More group slots: That's good, but I have enough groups notices and chats already. *grins*

Expanded Support: No, they took that away from us premium members and gave it to Plus Members. Concierge support is also available for Private Island owners (and my partner and I have some), but the office hours are never during the hours we need the service. What support office closes at 3pm? Not mine. Not anyone else in business I know. 

We each have our own needs, requirements, and times that we can be online in SL. Some Plus benefits are worth it for some people, but I will hazard a guess that most people just want a bigger parcel of land, a bigger house, and more group slots and money. Very active content creators will benefit from Plus. Sim owners probably won't. People who just came here to live their Second Life, Plus might be a bit too much to pay... and then have to wait and wait and wait for the promised land. 

I will wait until what is stated as part of the membership is fully available before I will even consider upgrading. I don't want to hear "coming soon" or "In the planning stages." No. I've listened to that for too many years. I've waited for too many years. 

Despite how this sounds, I love SL. I cannot imagine what my life would be without it. I DO love it. But like with anything or anyone you love, there is sometimes disappointment. 

Fix the roadways, LL. Fix the ski lifts. Fix the feature areas and quests that are broken... or remove them all from the grid. Promises and lip service is not going to grow SL or retain existing members. All those pitiful things out there they just remind people of how SL used to be way back in the golden times. Live up to what the expectations of SLers are. Most people will no longer bank on promises. We expect what we signed up for. Now, not later.

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