Monday, June 5, 2023

SL Marketplace - Review Notifications

SL Etiquette

One of the things that has always bugged me about the MP is that when a seller or other buyer comments on a review there is no notification sent to the reviewer. Unless that person goes back to check their review, they won't ever see the comment. It used to be that other purchasers could reply to a review, but that is now limited to the seller. That's fine. I did used to comment to bad reviews to let the person know they are not correct about something, but I understand that is best left to the seller because it is too open to abuse. However, unless the seller contacts the reviewer directly in SL, that person will probably never know the seller commented to their review. 

So, really, the only point of a seller being able to comment on a review is to add information for other potential buyers - especially for poor reviews. This needs to be clearly stated in the MP documentation. People need to understand that to deal with a bad or poor review on a product, the seller needs to attempt to contact the buyer directly. Then it can be addressed, and the reviewer can choose to delete the review; If they do not delete the review, then the seller can comment to it stating the problem/issue was addressed and the person chose to leave the review there. That will be for potential buyers that see that review. It is probably not actually going to be seen by the reviewer.

Like I said, it has always annoyed me, but thinking about it as objectively as I can, it is probably best this way. Sellers should address the issue directly, not use the MP to comment and debate with a reviewer. 

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